Contemplation, Morning Prayer 8.2

John 1:12,13

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave them the right to become children of God.13 who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (ESV)

I am a child of God, He calls me friend; concerning Submission and Surrender

God’s will for us is to forsake all that we are for the precious gift of salvation through his Son, that we ascribe to His calling and commit to walk in His ways. In this way, we will truly be counted as children of God, chosen to serve his good purpose. We have no other stake in our righteousness. Left not our own devices, it is impossible to continuously seek his righteousness and holiness because we are so easily distracted. The will of the child of God is to be brought to the point of complete brokenness, totally void of ourselves so the Spirit of God to assume his rightful place of honor within us. My hope and obedience is to recommit daily to our good Good Father.

Let us pray:

LORD, I thank you for calling me by name and claiming me as Your own, I am forever grateful and indebted to You for the blood covering of Your Son for only in Him I am able to stand righteous before you. I receive by Your Holy Spirit You into my life this day, let me be consumed by Your Holy Spirit so You can have Your way with me. I ask for courage to remain steadfast as I am being refined and transformed and counted worthy to be a called a child of God. Help me in my obedience in my service to You, help me to walk in the protection of Your will and grace that I may give You nothing less than my first fruit. To You be all the glory!

Order my steps this day, set my feet in the direction I should go. Take from me any desire to roam outside the protection of Your mighty hand. I love you I give you all the praise honor and glory and commit all that I am to You this day and pray all these things in the mighty name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen.